

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Law of the Mind. Movies Can Help!

I've just received a book I had ordered for my son for Christmas, yes 2013… Anyways I started to read it, not only to be able to talk about it with him, but also because I enjoy reading younger readers books. It is called being a HAPPY TEENAGER by Andrew Matthews. Author tells when we feel good about ourselves, we feel healthier, we have more energy and problems don’t seem so overwhelming. Seven tips to keep feeling good about ourselves:
  1. Never criticize yourself,
  2. Accept compliments,
  3. Give more compliments,
  4. Separate behavior from yourself “I made a mistake” but not “I am a mistake”,
  5. Spend time with positive people,
  6. Personal development is a life-long program. Just as you need good food every day, you need good feelings and ideas every day,
  7. Continually play movies in your mind of how you want to be. It is the law of the mind. Whatever you think about, you become. 

Check links I will keep posting on IN s p i r e like Rupp’s 2-mile victory and workout after.


Sunday, January 19, 2014

Aaron's Race and Roll 5k | Racing Back vs. Back to Races

Aaron's Race and Roll 5k run. I was little afraid. I wasn't sure how to be "no pressure". The most important thing was to enjoy the experience, enjoy the fact that I can go to a race and explore different ways to enjoy it rather than just hoping to get a PR. To appreciate and be grateful that I am running and supporting causes like Aaron's, at the same time sharing and event with my son and inspiring him to enjoy running.
  • Goal: "RUN FOR THE FUN OF RUN!" simple. Test that feeling again. Just "getting a PR as goal has been limiting yourself too much, Roxy!". Get out of it! It might eventually come some day, as a gift :-) So for now enjoy ALL THE OTHER IMPORTANT GIFTS.
  • Result: TOTAL 100% SUCCESS! I was able to get at the start line, relaxed in the middle of the pack. It took me a little effort to find my place with as many little legs around, but finally took off. Started passing some cute girls, then some boys then sorry, some more, and thought Nick is probably back, so kept going. 1st mile beep! and reached some a couple kids running well. There was Nick! Full mile ahead of mom! I pushed some to play paces together, and it seems they followed me some.  Then a couple ladies around my age. I couldn't resist temptation and Gnam!  Eat them Roxy! 2nd mile alone til I spotted a guy to Gnam, gnam! 3 miles done and last .12 "The pleasure of God #1", then waiting for Nick and watching him finish strong "The pleasure of God #2", only little bit over a minute after mom! 
Little gift with a nice 3rd overall female trophy :-) But BIG gift enjoying a race, no pressure, no pain, some delicious gnam ghams! and able to watch Nick finishing strong with a 6th AG result in 23:55

Sunday, January 12, 2014

< 2013 Recap to Strong Start 2014 >

2013, What a Year! It started like any other year, just few things and body signs,  I decided to ignore by moving forward keeping the same number I set on my mind by 4 years ago when I started to run. “Under 40 before turning 40”.

First half of the year on races with lot of friends such as Jiggle Butt Run, Hot Chocolate 5k, The Cowtown 10k Run, McKinney Trails Run, Germanfest Run, Run Like A Mother, Free to Breathe Lung Cancer, Plano Race for the Cure, and THAT a trip to New Orleans for the Shamrockin Run 8k.

Second Half of the year was going to be little different. Already 40, so the “before” part of original goal wasn't ever going to be reached plus the “under” was getting further and further. Anyways as giving up is not any alternative written on my DNA (you should see my parents!), with the help of a coach & friend tried a couple HUGE changes: #1 nutrition, #2 on training methodology as well as running races.

  • Machine Solutions 10k Trail Run in Flagstaff: by far my longest 10k ever. Not only trail run, which is delicious and super fun, but also high altitude that combined got me and my son Nick who got to run the 5k little bit dizzy. I really enjoyed this race and will always try to come back!
  • Around the Mound 5K: as fun as hilly race around Nick and Mom (me) raced. I also had the pleasure to meet Stefani Slekis, an amazing athlete and coach assistant at the UNT.
  • Plano Pacers Dog Day Relay: together with Jaime and Tellie we got to set “El Pinta, La Nina y La Santamaria” mixed masters team. I love this Plano Pacers Race so much!
  • Tour des Fleurs, 10k: that resulted only on 5 miles due to the leading Cap turning point mistake. It was a pitty for some athletes, however it was good for me, dealing with some injuries. I wasn’t supposed to race this race, however as “tune up” race, of course I just wanted to give a try.

As I mentioned before, besides my changes on training methodology and nutrition, I also decided to try different kind of racing events I was used to. It was my becoming a Master year reason why when I found USATF World Masters Athletic Championship was going to be hosted for the first time in South America, more specifically in Porto Alegre, Brazil, I decided to go and set training plans around it. I also decided to race not on a road race, but in Cross-country and Track and Field events.
  • XX WMAC 8k X-C: I loved the event. I love X-C. I got to meet lot of friends and watch amazing athletes
  • XX WMAC 10k: even I got to race at this event a mistake I made by missing day before confirmation left my results out. Big lesson learnt.

2013, What a Year! Just my second hardest year after 1993, the year God decided I still needed some more time on the earth.
2013 year of physiology lessons of my life. I finally had to accept “listen to your body” is not optional. Nothing easy at all but I am progressively feeling better and better.
Already 2014. Full of energy however carefully planning the FUN and very excited to help others with all the learning I've had.

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” ― Rumi