

Thursday, November 26, 2015

North Texas Turkey Trot - Running & Blog Recap

Summer 2015. Back to school, and recovery. Getting an injury on my ankle while tempting to run on a trail in Sedona, forced finally to take a little break from running. I had to miss that 10k in the woods, and the magic hiking in Arizona trails. For any reason my body feels so exhausted...

Back home, some weeks, around 3, not running on roads, just in the water plus some bike. Still feeling weak, but I needed to start running. Mile by mile, walk, run, walk, count the clouds, the birds, the miles.

I needed some help to get a little bit out of me. Luckily one of the best runners and coach I me at a race in 2015, started supporting me.

August, September and October, piling miles. I had already by 30 per week. Time to check where I am, I thought. I signed to a 5k close to home, Gary Burns. Event was cancelled due to weather conditions, however I ran it on the treadmill and it me took 24 min 45 sec. There I was!

Coach James also started sending me some workouts. Time to check for real where I was. North Texas Turkey Trot 5k. Do not be afraid Roxy. Just run! I started conservative, all young runners passing me, some 5k, others 10k runners.  Keep going mom! Almost in the last mile I got to catch with a girl and we pushed each other. This is why races are for! 23:24

F 40-44



