Back home, some weeks, around 3, not running on roads, just in the water plus some bike. Still feeling weak, but I needed to start running. Mile by mile, walk, run, walk, count the clouds, the birds, the miles.
I needed some help to get a little bit out of me. Luckily one of the best runners and coach I me at a race in 2015, started supporting me.
August, September and October, piling miles. I had already by 30 per week. Time to check where I am, I thought. I signed to a 5k close to home, Gary Burns. Event was cancelled due to weather conditions, however I ran it on the treadmill and it me took 24 min 45 sec. There I was!
Coach James also started sending me some workouts. Time to check for real where I was. North Texas Turkey Trot 5k. Do not be afraid Roxy. Just run! I started conservative, all young runners passing me, some 5k, others 10k runners. Keep going mom! Almost in the last mile I got to catch with a girl and we pushed each other. This is why races are for! 23:24
F 40-44